Blog — Simba Hikes the CDT

Simba Hikes the CDT - Final Dispatch

Simba Hikes the CDT - Final Dispatch

My CDT thruhike attempt was unsuccessful.    I am no longer on trail. I’m writing this blog from a cafe in Ogden with warm coffee on my side...
Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #7

Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #7

I’ve reached a point on the trail that I thought would never come.   I am finally in New Mexico.    The last state. The home stretch. The “make it...
Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #6

Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #6

Hello. If you’re looking for a happy-go-lucky backpacking blog, this isn’t the one for you. I’ve reached the lowest low I’ve ever felt in all of ...
Simba Hikes the CDT - Update #4

Simba Hikes the CDT - Update #4

Two States down, 3 to go. Bryden gets a Warm Wyoming Welcome from the GEAR:30 staff who drove 4 hours to visit him in Yellowstone National Park.
Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #5

Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #5

Starving, sun-baked, and alone. Wyoming's Great Basin turned out to be even harder than the infamous granite mountain passes in the Cirque of the Towers.
Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #3

Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #3

It’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone, so I’ll try to be as detailed as Possible. I’m at mile 747 and my feet keep reminding me. I’ll be s...
Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #2

Simba Hikes the CDT - Dispatch #2

  The Bob Marshall Wilderness is complete. I’m sitting in a hotel room in Helena, MT while I give my body a rest from the rollercoaster ridge lin...
Simba Hikes the CDT - DISPATCH #1

Simba Hikes the CDT - DISPATCH #1

I’m sitting on a hostel porch in East Glacier sipping coffee and watching tourists speed down the road towards the entrance of GNP with their VW v...